a blast from teh past: discovering electronic music

This is an educational film from 1983 describing a little bit of the history and tools of electronic music. The best thing about it is that it is behind the times for 1983, and seems more like a 1970s film. Frequently featured is a Moog modular! Also featured is a Fairlight, but as an analog obsessive, I’m less interested in that.
You’ll love this film if you love analog synthesizers, electronic music (historic, not electronica), or music geeks. : ) Lots of cool oscilloscope shots, primitive sequencers, etc.

2 Responses to “a blast from teh past: discovering electronic music”

  1. Berggeist Says:

    Bei mir schon seit über einem Jahr im Delicious…
    Trotzdem fein 🙂

  2. neingeist Says:

    tatsache. ich kam über die querverweise von yip-yip drauf. muss wohl doch mal dein del.icio.us lesen!

    +++ neingeist

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