Archive for March, 2005

More Podcasts

Tuesday, March 15th, 2005

The Saugnapf Podcast

Tuesday, March 15th, 2005

We now proudly present a podcast for Saugnapf, our music radio show about music from the net (netaudio) on Querfunk:

You’ll need BitTorrent to actually download the good stuff. Someone remind me that I have to add the other episodes of the show (just the first ready yet).

Podcasting with MT-Enclosures

Monday, March 14th, 2005


It’s so easy:

  1. Put from the MT-Enclosures zip into your MT “plugins” directory.
  2. Put a special MT-tag somewhere within an “<item>” in your newly created podcast-blog’s RSS2-feed:
  3. Submit a link to an MP3 in your blog entry.

Frances the Mute

Monday, March 14th, 2005


The new “The Mars Volta” album “Frances The Mute” is intense and diverse, that’s how I like my music. Good to know people are still making intelligent music! “Frances the Mute” is not as bleak as the older “De-Loused in the Comatorium”, but in some ways more enjoyable and full of surprises.

The Tower of Babylon

Monday, March 14th, 2005

The Tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel

Netzstaub and The Lunatic Fringe have recently been thinking about the same thing I was thinking about: multi-language support in weblogs. I’ve been blogging rarely, but when I did, I couldn’t really decide which language to choose. Now I basically decided to just stick to English as I could need some exercise (not that I wouldn’t need that for German, too…) and most of the German readers can read English good enough while most of the anglo-/american people I know are not that savvy in foreign languages.

Then again, there are reasons why should probably just switch to running something like WordPress with Polyglot, which enables you to have parts of your blog entry in different languages and only display the fitting parts as the reader chooses. On the other hand, I’d like to keep each language completly seperate, that is writing a blog article in English and then having the option to translate it as a whole to German and presenting the reader the best-fitting version of the article. (Just how Apache does it with MultiViews).
Time to write my own blog software… (with blackjack! and multi-language support!)

Tossing out those airwaves

Monday, March 14th, 2005

Phil's Old Radios


There’s a Radio Chaotica podcast
now, I’ll be adding the old shows as I have time.

We’ve been busy bees, folks. Not only have we finished five Saugnapf shows in the last weeks, we also
have a few Radio Chaotica
ready for your listening pleasure.

Saugnapf is our music-from-the-net show,
mostly done by netzstaub,
supported by me, dividuum of the bl0rg crew and lately by julian, too. For you non-german people
out there: It’s a music show, don’t ask, go downloading!

My favorite Saugnapf shows as of now (get
Bittorrent to download!):

Also, there’s a few Radio Chaotica shows
available for download. I’d recommend starting with

this time about the concept of a “culture flatrate”, moderated by me and

The “culture flatrate” is to be seen as an alternative to the ongoing criminalisation
of music downloads on the internet. (Again, for the british: sorry, it’s
a lot of german, so probably nothing for you guys.) Please check out the
Radio Chaotica podcast,
I’ll be adding the old shows as I have time.

The next Radio Chaotica
show will be about the topic Podcasting,
so if you have no idea what a podcast is (and you do understand german), tune
in on Querfunk on the 21st march, 16:00 CET.

Back again

Monday, March 14th, 2005

And I’m not the only one. The slashdot-mastering netzstaub is dispersing dust again and my beloved is now hating humanity electronically in her misanthropia weblog (both located at dataheaven-on-earth Last but not least, Hannes – the latest member of the Entropia hall of fame – is also blogging, somewhere (It’s down. I’m checking.)