J’avais tout simplement raison (comme d’hab’).
Car le supplément Foreven Worlds: Fessor Subsector de chez jon brazer enterprises, qui vient de paraître sur RapideJDR, s’il parle bien de SORAG, ne crédite ni Chuck Kallenbach II, ni aucune des personnes mentionnées dans le supplément SORAG de Paranoia Press.
Du moins si j’en juge par l’extrait téléchargeable gratuitement (car il est hors de question que je mette le moindre kopeck dans ce machin), qui cite trois auteurs dans ses credits : Dale C. McCoy, Jr., Jason Kemp, J. Michael Looney, mais se permet d’ajouter cette mention légale :
Product Identity: All references to the governments, alien races, and anything else associated with The Official Traveller Universe is considered Product Identity. Anything else that is not declared Open Content is declared Product Identity.
Personnellement, je trouve que ça se pose un peu là. À moins évidemment de considérer que SORAG (et d’éventuels autres emprunts à des sources décanonisées) ne soit associated with The Official Traveller Universe.
First off, let me say thank you for pointing out that I had infact forgotten to thank PP’s work on the credits page. I’ll fix that at my first opportunity.
As for the product identity notice, that is a requirement of the Open Gaming Licene, the license used for the system. Mongoose and Miller and have very gracious in allowing companies such as mine to use the Traveller material for the Foreven sector. So to protect them from other companies using materil directly related to the OTU, I have to declare it thus. I know it looks like I am saying that I thought it up. I make no such claim. It is merely a requirement that all parties, myself, Mongoose and Mark Miller, want to protect Traveller from being used outside the OTU.